
After Darrell won a battle with cancer we decided to quit our full-time jobs, sell the house and move in to an RV. We like slow travel.

We moved in to our RV in April 2018 but are currently on hiatus as we get our son through high school.

This blog serves as service and inspiration to those dreaming of doing something similar or like-minded souls already building their RV or on the road. We don’t profit from the blog or social media, however I do use Amazon affiliate links to help pay for the hosting and domains of the blog. I only link to items we actually purchased and have used ourselves – please use the links if you plan to make a purchase! Muchos gracias!!

Darrell is currently a tech exec for a startup he helped get going in 2010 – Darrell’s LinkedIn.

Lily is a writer with an MFA in Creative Writing. She keeps very busy with writing projects, including her first novel, but has availability to help with copy-writing and editing, blog content writing, ghostwriting, and proofreading. She is my rock and I don’t know how I would have survived cancer without her. Somehow I convinced her this full-time RV life was a good idea!

Xen is currently in High School in Austin, Texas.

Lorelei lives in NYC with her fiancé.

Our non-work interests include laughing, nature, world travel, hiking, gaming, programming, reading books, healthy eating (#carnivoreketo, #lchf) and healthy living (#calisthenics, #meditation).

Check Darrell’s Instagram feed!

Family portraitFamilyFamily Selfie in San DiegoWorking